Back to School

 Dear Students, 

Happy to meet you again after all this extremely challenging time! 

I hope you are well and that Covid-19 hasn’t been too difficult to face for you and your families. 

I’d like to greet your back to school days with this wonderful poem by Black American poet Amanda Gorman, The Miracle of Morning (April 2020), a hymn to solidarity, empathy and optimism even in the tragic times we have experienced. 

Let’s read it scrolling down this page or listen to it together clicking on this link and discuss it. 

Enjoy the poem and the new school year!

I thought I’d awaken to a world in mourning.
Heavy clouds crowding, a society storming.
But there’s something different on this golden morning.
Something magical in the sunlight, wide and warming.

I see a dad with a stroller taking a jog.
Across the street, a bright-eyed girl chases her dog.
A grandma on a porch fingers her rosaries.
She grins as her young neighbor brings her groceries.

While we might feel small, separate, and all alone,
Our people have never been more closely tethered.
The question isn’t if we will weather this unknown,
But how we will weather this unknown together.

So on this meaningful morn, we mourn and we mend.
Like light, we can’t be broken, even when we bend.

As one, we will defeat both despair and disease.
We stand with healthcare heroes and all employees;
With families, libraries, schools, waiters, artists;
Businesses, restaurants, and hospitals hit hardest.

We ignite not in the light, but in lack thereof,
For it is in loss that we truly learn to love.
In this chaos, we will discover clarity.
In suffering, we must find solidarity.

For it’s our grief that gives us our gratitude,
Shows us how to find hope, if we ever lose it.
So ensure that this ache wasn’t endured in vain:
Do not ignore the pain. Give it purpose. Use it.

Read children’s books, dance alone to DJ music.
Know that this distance will make our hearts grow fonder.
From a wave of woes our world will emerge stronger.

We’ll observe how the burdens braved by humankind
Are also the moments that make us humans kind;
Let every dawn find us courageous, brought closer;
Heeding the light before the fight is over.
When this ends, we’ll smile sweetly, finally seeing
In testing times, we became the best of beings.


  1. I like poetry because it talks about the life I lived during the lockdown

  2. I liked the poem very much because It is very significant, It gives courage to the new generations and strenght for people Who have Lost a relative

  3. I like the poem "the miracle of morning" because it conveys optimism, you have to be positive even during a difficult period like the pandemic, to find that glimmer of light that will slowly arrive. We must face these moments of great crisis together, helping each other. Amanda sent a nice message and invites us not to give up.

  4. I liked the poem "the miracle of morning" by Amanda Gorman because it describes the period of the pandemic, a very challenging and difficult period to face, it was a dark period for everyone and despite this we continue to go on. This poem was written on in the coronavirus pandemic, when we were only beginning to comprehend the scale of national mourning to come

  5. Mastrapasqua Francesco23 September 2021 at 18:32

    I liked the poem a lot because it talks about current events and all that we have lived and are continuing to live. I hope that all this will end as soon as possible and that we will be given back the freedom that has currently been taken away from us.

  6. This poem i like so much because speak of the human rebirth from Covid 19. Those words are very deep and take a hope to back to normal life. The world will emerge stronger

  7. Amanda Gorman's poem is a rebirth for me. The piece that struck me the most is that of the workers "we stand with healthcare heroes and all employees", because I saw my mother's commitment and willpower as a health worker to always face this period with a smile and to protect ourselves. My rebirth is back to school. A sanse of "normality" and "contact" after along time

  8. I liked the poem because it talks about the experience during the pandemic and remembers all the losses and dark times we have been through


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