
Showing posts from May, 2018

How to write a film review

Need to write a film review for your next English class? Find an example here:

Food and Environment Survey among Teenagers - Class Report

If you want to have an idea on how teenagers act when it turns to food and the environment, please read this final class report I'm pleased to share:  INTRODUCTION  The aim of this report is to analyze the food habits and attitudes to the environment of a group of 16-year-old students of our school, “ITA UMBERTO I” (Andria). To get this information we worked in groups of four or five people to collect the answers of our schoolmates. For instance, we asked questions about healthy and junk food, knowledge of the food pyramid, recycling, renewable energy, use of public transport, relationship between the food we eat and their mood. FOOD HABITS With reference to teenagers’ food habits, the results of the survey show that the students eat healthy food almost every day, but they also eat in fast food restaurants at least once a week, especially at weekends. Almost all students state they have never taken part to any campaigns against food waste. Moreover, almost al...